Friday, February 13, 2009

Hot Pink #2

I finished this vest for Little Miss I-don't-turn-four-until-9:30 AM.   And this is as close as we got to getting it on her.   T looked at the vest and said she figures it'll fit her in about fifth grade.  I've got to get this gauge/yarn weight/etc figured out.  

Kicker is... the sweater I'm knitting for the soon-to-be 7-year-old niece is looking like it will be too small.  Sigh.  Tonight's a good night to frog, isn't it?

Ssshhh, the baby's sleeping...


So six of the past seven nights Little Boy Blue has slept in his crib. (The night of his first shots, we had a little set back.) It's been a challenge, but with a little help from the Baby Whisperer we're doing it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

The Little Man is able to roll over....

one way....

and the other.  And as a reward, Kayak gave him a ball to play with.  

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fitting In

I often wonder who is making the biggest adjustment for our little Superboy.  When all is said and done though, I think it's the puppy who is having the hardest time.

T noted when we were still back in the first month, that Puppy Kayak was more cuddly since the baby came home.  I pointed out that Kayak had become less cuddly with me since the baby came home.  I don't think she's transferred her affections, I think she's just found a more available target.  Sometimes Kayak finds ways to sneak in and cuddle with me..... though she knows not to come between me and my knitting.