Sunday, February 24, 2013

Resolutions 2013

I've made the decision to create a mini-resolution each month of 2013 instead of one big goal on January 1st.  (It seemed silly to resolve to hang my pjs in the closet as a year-long resolution.  Surely, I could master that goal in less time.... a month?  Sounds good.)

So in January, I resolved to hang my pjs.  (They used to live under my pillow, but they made the bed lumpy.)  And I did it every day.  I'm still doing it every day.

The trouble is... I didn't pick my February resolution until the middle of February.  (Not 100% true, I knew what it was going to be, I couldn't make myself do it.)  So in the middle of the month, I started keeping the counters clean.  Stove, kitchen counters, and kitchen table.  Once a day clear them off and wipe them down.  The interesting thing is that it has also extended to keeping the sink clear of dishes and keeping the clean dishes put away.  It's made for a much tidier kitchen, and has improved my mood.  Pride in my ability to stick to this one, and happiness when I see the clean counters and stove.

I really should create some sort of plan for the rest of the year.... what I'm thinking....

  • create a weekly meal plan frame
  • drink more water (really a winter goal, I do alright in the summer)
  • cut out salty snacks (or salty junk food)
  • cut out candy (this could be a full year resolution)
And that's not going to get me through the year.  So I'll have to keep thinking.

Of course... I did resolve to not buy any more yarn.  I will continue knitting only from the stash.  It's a good challenge, and has been really fun to figure out ways to use up little bits and pieces of yarn leftovers.